How we can help?

Find all the answers related to our support process here.

FAST Support

Millennium has a structured approach to customer support and issue resolution. We’re always available to answer business process and best practice questions, and can assist you with your planning and implementation processes. For your convenience, we can also provide you with possible solutions that are being utilized by other clients with similar questions.


Customer support is designed for:
  • Reporting bugs (things in FAST that are not working correctly).
  • Requesting new features or functionality.
  • Inquiring about upgrade availability.
  • Inquiring about training availability.

How to open a support case

The process below outlines how to open a support case. You can also download a pdf copy here for your records.
  • Send an email by clicking the button below.
Email Support
  • This will generate an automated ticket number that is sent to you immediately via email.
  • Always include the case number in the subject line, or else a second case will be opened causing confusion.
  • The customer support representative will gather as much information as needed to resolve/address your concerns.
  • If coding changes are needed, these will be applied to your FAST Development/Test (i.e. non-production environment) only.
  • You will test/validate the changes in your Development or Test environment and respond to the same email thread to confirm that the changes meet your needs or to request additional detail.
  • Once you are satisfied with the outcome, advise the customer support staff by email, and the changes can then be applied to your production environment of FAST.

What to include

Please only open one support case per issue.
  • In the Subject line include if this is TEST or PROD, and what application you are having issues with. Also include the case number if this issue has already been reported.
  • A full screen shot of the issue/question that includes the full URL in your browser (not just a screen shot of the error message).
  • A description of the issue with as much detail and additional screen shots as possible.
  • Outline in as much detail as possible, the steps taken to reproduce the error.
  • Include what you expected to happen and what actually happened.
  • Does the problem exists for all reports, a specific report or for a group of reports.
  • Indicate what internet browser you are using and if the problem exists in any other browsers (e.g. Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc.).

Release Notes

Supported Versions
We will always display the most recent Release Notes at the top of the list. The version number of the product will change by the 3rd decimal each time we announce a new release – for example, 4.5.01 will change to 4.5.02. As technologies evolve and we continue to ensure compatibility with ERP, Server Infrastructure, and end-user computing requirements, the first and second digits of the release version will also be updated.
We support up to two years of the product. You can find Release Notes for any versions released within the past two years on this page.
At Millennium we strive to ensure that the FAST v4 Application Suite is fully compatible with the current versions of the following browsers:
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Google Chrome
  •  Mozilla Firefox
  • Apple Safari
Compatibility issues may be encountered from time to time. Millennium will make every effort to ensure that any compatibility issues have a software solution, however there may be certain situations where this is not possible without additional supporting hardware or software upgrades.
Release Note Inquiries
If you have questions related to an item or encounter issues testing an item included in the Release Notes for a particular version, please feel free to contact our Support Team by clicking on the button below.
Contact Support
Please do not include the Case Number from the Release Notes in the subject of the e-mail (for example, “Case 12345”). Doing so will re-activate the original Case, which will not be immediately visible to our entire team or in our normal support queue.
Instead, kindly include the Case Number in the body of your e-mail. This ensures your e-mail will be seen by a support representative in a timely manner.

FAST is completely customizable,
easy to set up, and fully integrated.

Let's Talk
100% web-based platform
No client software to install
Remote implementation
Deploy in hours